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Crafty Vintage; You Did It!

Love, Alice

What an amazing day! Vegan Hot dogs, Vintage clothes, beer, cupcakes, and a whole load of incredible stalls for you to rummage through! Such a beautiful location, Lancaster Castle! A sunny day was the perfect weather too!

I spent the day talking to some of the stall holders about their products, Mather and Daughters Vintage, Olivia Alice MUA Vintage and The Little Blue Hen Soap Crafting Company, to name a few! Can we just take a minute to soak in all this vintage loveliness?!

Everyone was so friendly, ready to show you their vintage finds and hand made items.

This incredible mermaid like table, piled with rings, jewels and buttons was from Olivia Alice MUA vintage - a beautiful collection.

I chatted to The Little Blue Hen Soap Crafting Company, and asked them about their beautiful hand made beauty products. They focus on people with sensitive skin, and use organic ingredients where possible. They are against testing on animals too!

This soap company is brilliant, here's where to find them : Unlike other soap brands I've bought, their stock is ALL handmade, and very reasonably priced from as little as £4.50 for a chunk of glorious soap! Check them out!


While we’re talking about pricing and business, did anyone watch The Apprentice? I met two lovely ladies from Ridiculously Rich. The inspirational and beautiful Alana’s cake company. Her cakes and brownies are so lovely! The two ladies were happy and had so much knowledge of the products!

I love this quote from Alana’s site, “I’ve always loved to bake – even when I was a teenager I used to spend hours in my parents

kitchen creating cakes and conjuring up new flavours to see which recipes my friends and family loved to eat! From becoming a chocolatier and starting Narna’s, it’s honestly a dream come true to be working with Lord Sugar on a business based around my passion for cake,” Alana Won The Apprentice TV show, and did amazingly well! She beat 17 other candidates and made it look like a breeze. I will personally be ordering cakes from her website, and you can too :, Did someone say tea party?


All this talking had made me hungry! I went in search of some serious sustenance. Wood fired pizza, Cupcakes, Coffee, oh wait, a hot dog stand “The singing pineapple catering company wow, I wish I could eat hot dogs! Being a veggie, most of the time whilst out its kind of limited food, I could not believe my eyes when I noticed the BEST sign ever “vegan Hot dogs”. So, naturally, we got some!

These babies were amazing, mustard, hot sauce, chilies and ketchup, and none of that rubbish plastic bread, a proper sourdough bun. Can I get a AMEN!


After my incredible vegan food, I met a rather incredible lady, who's stall was all about vegan leather goods. Earthware Leather". She had a lovely baby on her hip too! I asked them for a photo and the baby smiled too, (everyone loves a smiling baby right?) I do! This ladies bags, belts, buckles, and brackets were all hand crafted! I wish I could have bought their entire stall.

Their leather products are beautiful, they stock “Handmade Vegan & Earth Conscious Bags, Belts, Wallets & Accessories,”. This stall was especially beautiful. I’m have my eye on a bag from their Etsy site!

Well, Lancaster Castle, it was fun! A brilliant day out for everyone! Vegan food, cupcakes, entertainment, beer,soaps, jewels, clothes, and most importantly, (drum roll please, ) ……….. all of you! Everyone made this weekend so great! What was your favourite part of this Crafty Weekender? Are you ready for the next one? I am! I’m soooo excited. Catch the next weekender at Lowther Castle, 5th - 6th August. If you see me there, taking pictures, chatting and eating cake, (hopefully not all at the same time) say hello! I’d love to meet some of you lovely vintage lot!

Love, Alice x




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